srcdontfiles 16 hours
toruscollaborative ASCII art 8 months
playsome games for SSH 19 months
imboxIMAP to mbox 19 months
bubgerIMAP archive generator 19 months
notemapmirror notes to IMAP 19 months
shulkerDiscord to vanilla Minecraft bridge 15 months
cgit-pinkweb frontend for git 21 months
dashpatched shell with cmake build 2 years
wepWindows Entertainment Pack recreations 19 months
cardsCARDS.DLL loader for SDL 19 months
catgirlIRC client 4 weeks
scooperweb interface for litterbox 6 months
litterboxIRC logger 6 months
pounceIRC bouncer 6 months
jortsmy own ports tree for macOS 4 weeks
portsFreeBSD and OpenBSD ports for this software 4 weeks
exmanmanuals for other systems 4 weeks
libretlslibtls for OpenSSL 6 months
kitdprocess supervisor for OpenBSD 6 months
catsit(deprecated) process supervisor 19 months
cc1fe1427145&follow=1'>Expand and clarify documentationJune McEnroe 2020-05-21Execute PAGER with the SHELLJune McEnroe 2020-05-21Automatically perform database migrations in litterboxJune McEnroe 2020-05-20Don't install rc scripts on other platformsJune McEnroe 2020-05-20Rewrite build and install like pounce 1.3June McEnroe 2020-05-20Update email addressesJune McEnroe 2020-04-23Call updateConsumer from handleError 1.2p1June McEnroe 2020-04-20Use . as ${LDLIBS.$@} separatorJune McEnroe 2020-04-05Error on invalid ISUPPORT values 1.2June McEnroe 2020-04-05Only set RCS on FreeBSDJune McEnroe 2020-04-05Log bans and unbansJune McEnroe 2020-04-05Parse mode types from ISUPPORTJune McEnroe 2020-04-05Add unscoop matchers for ban/unban eventsJune McEnroe 2020-04-05Check unscoop regexps with make testJune McEnroe 2020-04-05Add unscoop -n flag for checking regexpsJune McEnroe 2020-04-05Add Ban and Unban event typesJune McEnroe 2020-04-02Update styleJune McEnroe 2020-03-31Update unscoop catgirl matchersJune McEnroe 2020-03-31Fix writing verbose to stderrJune McEnroe 2020-03-02Include <>/-/* around nicks in scoop coloring 1.1June McEnroe 2020-03-02Replace .mk files with configure scriptJune McEnroe 2020-02-28Implement the capabilityJune McEnroe 2020-02-22Include <>/-/* around nicks in coloringJune McEnroe 2020-02-22Use (almost) the full range of IRC colors for nicksJune McEnroe